They had been demanded, also, the initiation of the cattle one of small transport, the elaboration of a project of reforestation with fruitful trees for the villages, the implantation of a project of creation of fish, the acquisition of wild animals, mills of coffee, engenhoca of sugar cane, animals tractive, wagon of plough, construction of box d? water and of break-springs. In attention to the outcry of the aboriginal communities the City hall of Aracruz in partnership with the State secretary of Justice and Citizenship organized one ' ' State seminary on the Indgena' Question; ' , in which chieftains had appeared, municipal, state authorities and until national aboriginal leaderships as Ailton Krenak, Itatuitim Streets, Terena Landmarks, having the City hall and the Government State, one more time, if compromised to decide the immediate problems of the aboriginals. As nothing he was fulfilled, in day 09 of April of 1992, Day of the Indian, the 1,300 aboriginals of the City of Aracruz commemorate in its villages, painting its bodies and dressing tangas and decorating with necklaces and cocares, and charging entered of the visitors to see its dances typical. According to news article of the Periodical the GAZETTE, 19-04-92, the indians continued to live in the same economy of subsistence of a rudimentary agriculture, it hunts and it fishes rarefied, or artesanatos, while some were engaged in the agricultural or urban market of work as proletarian, as farmers, garis, assistant of mason, house servants, and others earning, when very, the national wage-minimum. In the occasion, the indians had remembered the lack of a conjugated work enter the Government of the State, the City hall of Aracruz, the FUNAI and the Indigenista Advice Missionary, who according to Head of the Aboriginal Rank of FUNAI, Edson Da Silva Fidlis, the problem was in the differences ideological politics and of these organizations. In the same news article, the teachers of the School of the Guarani Village, Ftima of Anjos and Odilia Gustavo Birth, even so perceiving the necessity of the indians to learn the culture and the way of life of the whites to coexist them more beneficially, had questioned its proper work having complained of the difficulty to teach the Portuguese language and of the alfabetizao of the children in a bilingual education (Guarani and Portugus), that they had considered as one ' ' invaso' ' of the aboriginal culture.