Month: November 2012

The Place

Following this line of thought, we emphasize the JOLY boarding (2007, P. 23): ' ' the image (or metaphor) also can be a process of rich, unexpected, creative and extremely exactly cognitivo expression, a time that the comparison of two terms (explicit implicit) it stimulates the imagination and the discovery of unsupicious common points between eles' '. Therefore the paper of the history professor is to learn and to teach history in many spaces and through many ways acquired in the contemporaneidade. 1.2. The marxist conception Although the predominance of the positivista conception, until middle of century XX, some manifestations if had placed against it, since the ends of century XIX. It are of the world of the professional Historians, KARL MARX and FRIEDRICH ENGELS, had considered, with the historical materialism, the first global theory of the societies human beings.

To exemplificar, we remember that the idealistic boarding of the history, assimilated for the common sense, explains its movement for the action of ' ' great homens' ' , of the great ideas or, to the times, even for the divine intervention. For MARX, differently: in the place of the ideas, then the material facts; in the place of the heroes, the fight of classroom. In this process, contradictions in the seio appear of the society, that in the time of The MARX, and still today, result of the antagonistic interests of the capitalist and the proletarian. The marxist conceptions, from the historical materialism of MARX and ENGELS, understand that history if makes with the material factors, and technician economic who corresponds to the conditions where the men if congregate to produce its existence in the work. It identifies the conflict of the fight of classrooms: dominant and dominated, oppressing and oppressed, bourgeoisie and proletariat. The search of social justice is basic in this boarding. History for MARX and ENGELS appears as inclusive science and if it configures as the science of the men; for them the description is intrinsically sociological, therefore it must explain the social side of the human being and, reciprocal, the human side of the social one, from that it dislocates and it inverts the positivista tradition.


For example, authors as GIAMI; D' ALLONES (1984) believe that the society that interacts with the deficient ones dichotomizes and maniqueza the conceptions concerning the sexuality for the deficient ones. DENARI (1997) argues especially regarding this polarization that if creates to if dealing with the sexuality of the deficient one, and what it is in the phase of the adolescence: or it is considered to be hiperssexualidado or to be assexuado. Scabello et al. (in prelo) they point with respect to one important question, of that, even so the organic and physiological development of a person with intellectual to be the same of one another person not-deficient delay, the deficient person, in view of its delay in the development nor always would have conditions or necessities of if relating ' ' genitalmente' ' with one another person (deficient or not). However, even so the deficient one can not have physical necessities or psychic to excercer the sexual act, it can be an easy canine tooth for the sexual violence (abuse of more diverse types).

For Scabello et al. (in prelo), on the other hand, the deficient one can be one ' ' presa' ' easy when it does not communicate itself verbally or, still, when said its is devaluated or ignored in view of its intellectual delay. On the other hand, deficient intellectuals exist who understand on and to exert the sexual act conscientiously. For this exactly, we can ask why it will be that the sex tends to be seen in an impudente way and why the sexuality must be atrelada to this conception of sex, being consequently forbidden and controlled? It has that to stand out itself that when the sexuality is ignored, or still denied, and this contributes for the sprouting of inadequate sexual behaviors (ASSUMPO Jr; SPROVIERI, 1993; MAYAN, 2006), as the infantilizao and consequence difficulty of the deficient one to not only establish other relationships that with its parents and/or cuidadores.


In the same way that the man had necessities to create good myths, but that they punish, also it had the necessity to create beings malignant, capable to fight of all the forms those beings created with the objective to help the proper man. The first writings on the presences of malignant beings, if find between the Persians. The man if conditions some conditions, accurately to search its advances evolutivos, promising itself to it exactly, the improvements in determined aspects, as form to please its deuses. The compensations had always been to please its deuses as: it is giving that it is received. is through the good attitudes that in them we place pertos more of God. Only that the quarrel fits here, of as accurately must operate to be more close to it? With certainty it is not through attitudes or behaviors determined for the societies that are in the power. Society next or more distant of God does not exist, but yes societies next to what they had been idealized by its representatives.

The modalities of the formation are also fortified of the human beings, between them the dependence of the protection related to the father, the expression of one appears fort, but that it restrains. This generates a conflict relation. For Droguett (2000, P. 68), the mechanism of return of the restrained one. This return, however, also is unconscious, since it appears of camouflaged form and as attempt of solution for the conflicting situation; thus this is born the religious phenomenon (…) ' ' father glorificado' ' is become into God God onipotente and Almighty. But author has another source the same: the aggressiveness. How it returns this aggressiveness in the religion? It does not remain to the human being another solution that ' ' desdobrar' ' God: Good god and bad God, in the paganismo; God/demon, in the Christianity.