When Bush came to the White House in January 2001, he found that almost all the Governments of Latin America and the Caribbean remained to the Washington consensus. Eight years later he goes having helped to achieve the vast majority of the Latin American Presidents to claim some sort of left and that 5 of them prefer closer to Russia or Iran than to the United States. In January, when Obama occupies the White House must find reverse that trend and find that the radicals are contained and are moderated. His first important choice in the Americas is the Venezuelan referendum. If the Yes to indefinite re-election WINS chavism it will consolidate internal and internationally.
On the other hand, if not beat Obama will feel that it begins with good standing within their continent. Chavez may not already polarize the electorate between him and Bush. For him it is better that Obama is in the White House and should, therefore, not attack him; Although it removes a demon against whom galvanizing in its favor to the masses. If Chavez fails to overcome polarization election coming in Venezuela, this would mean that Obama sought to go him isolating or desafilando. The Venezuelan referendum could become one that is in favor of the oldest or newest President of the hemisphere (Chavez or Obama). Original author and source of the article.