U.S. Swarmed by offers, Hyundai is currently assessing future choices. satellite Bonum-1, having fulfilled its guarantee of the performance period was provided for the cute little money to our almighty operators of satellite TV Tricolor TV and NTV, and transferred to a position 56E. Its pernatselili the territory of Siberia and began to actively recruit subscribers. However, the life of the satellite has passed. After the last diagnostic test Developer's companion said that the maximum satellite will work in orbit until mid-January 2012.
There simply ran out of fuel and the satellite will not be able to maintain a geostationary orbit. He is gradually coming down, safely repeat the feat of our station, world, burned in atmosphere … Well, what will happen to the subscribers of NTV + and Tricolor? The answer is known only to the operators, but for some reason they do not want to spread on this issue (for obvious reasons). Throughout Siberia rigionu only conducted advertising campaigns to attract an increasing number of subscribers. Let's examine the possibilities of development. 1.Kinut such a mass of subscribers they can not (at 90s after all), then we will move to another satellite, but it additional cost to reinstall the antenna. 2.So all nearby satellites can receive the signal at the antenna with a diameter of at least 0.8m (antenna with a diameter of 0.55-0.6m will have to change) 3.Vposlednee actively implemented the standard signal DVB-S2 Mpeg-4, which receivers DRS-4500 and DRE-4500 does not take very beneficial smogut.Aetot standard operators (you can fit more channels for the same money.) transition probability Tricolor TV Sibir on this standard signal is very high. So whether to rush to connect Tricolor? Maybe half a year will have to replace the equipment (and this is an additional cost item). There are so many options and alternative satellite television, and free with low cost equipment, as well as more lucrative satellite internet, rather than