This actress, with only a ring explaining the project YOQUIEROGALGOS, rotunda, enormous, generous and splendid, said: Yes, count with me, of course. And it is that it is not the first time that you do. Already ceded their image the association SOS Galgos, for posing in the same way that today has made with us as if an eternal marriage they were giving us a Yes, I want to. I attest that what I write below is true, true as life itself, as surely as the problem that we address with our galguitos, as real as that the sun rises each morning for all, and so unusual that still has me speechless. To the 11.31 h a morning of intense cold proposed via mail to Maribel Verdu collaborate on our virtual space, and passes 2 hours 3 minutes, a las 13: 34, the actress confirmed green light to the project, their collaboration with us, to give us his image along with our four-legged tapered snout, with a delighted to do so. But how?, not does it you think?, not be their representatives studied the subject?, do said yes?, and, already are?, so easily? not I understand, not I gotta do one thousand and one more call to the receptionist of the Secretariat, the press officer of the manager of project contracting producer which in turn has a secretariat of the Executive Coordinator of the deputy manager that you finally returns to refer to the first receptionist of the Secretariat of the Chief of press silence to sayIt is undoubtedly unique. Come to this paragraph of the text, I ask rhetorically why is so great is this woman? My response is immediate, the truly great are for your generosity towards others, towards the nature, to animals, not by their professional achievements, but it is that this woman has it all!.
Maribel Verdu will be our godmother in this path that we intend to carry out, a way of spreading a message loud and clear. We want what everyone knows, the world becomes aware, that the fault is not the Greyhound, if our animals today have a worn image is because of some undesirable. We want they are projected as what they really are: docile, easy living beings, suitable to be pets and accepted among society and also the media society. Today MARIBEL VERDu said I want to GREYHOUNDS, and therefore we have appointed it our godmother of honour, but tomorrow will be another of your idols, will be your favorite singer, it will be the journalist that you read each morning or listen on the radio, will be the actor that follow, the athlete who kids admire, hostess who makes you forget with his television stories in our space, they have also said yes to YOQUIEROGALGOS and going to show. Photos: PEP MARTINEZ (SOS Galgos, put a Greyhound in your life) original author and source of the article.