The two types are defective: the first one, because it is an element to the part of the written workmanship; as, because nothing the fancy of the proper child leaves in charge of. (Wedge, 2000, P. 75) It is important that inside of these productions infanto-youthful it has a consensus, therefore many believe that the illustrations in excess are favorable to the development of the child, however are necessary that they correspond of some form with that she is represented with words inside of the text. Others believe that the exageros of illustrations finish for blocking the imagination of the reader, since it finds in them all the representation of history for it deals. The quarrel still is great regarding illustrations, but not yet a conclusion is had of as and which the amount of illustrations must occupy infanto-youthful the literary text, however already knows that its paper is very important inside of this type of production.
Other important characteristics inside of Youthful Infanto- Literature still exist, but that they vary the sort in accordance with, as the infantile narratives that possess main characteristic the dramatismo, the movement inside of history, dynamism, as Lobato Hunter standes out ' ' the narratives need to run the gallop, without none effect literrio' '. The poetry with its affective and romantic language, where the author if approaches to the spirit of the child to produce its poetries, catching, thus, the infantile soul. The theater with its dramatical action, conflicts, the outcome of tension and its possibilities of living some personages. The folclricas legends with the recognition of the culture of the reader, having as characteristic the abrangncia and the diversification, using the popular language. At last, Infanto-Youthful Literature possesss innumerable characteristics that an important element of development of the reader becomes it, and with the had valuation of each possibility offered for it, an effective instrument of knowledge production can be considered it.