How badly concealed with appointments philosophical, poorly read and digested worse. Identity of unresolved conflicts between his alleged leftism and the blare of unconstitutional national flags that accompany the heroic deeds of certain equipment. I understood that a problem was his own or of his psychiatrists and decide to leave the Forum. The next day the curiosity made me enter again, only to read it, and I found myself in that while he was not involved remained subject to compulsive wrath of speakers. Spent almost a day with the same tonic, my poor liver could not take anymore and I did a written reflection supported by a text by Maurice Maeterlinck and gave a repasito who, with impunity, had been me insulted in my absence. The text lasted one minute hanging.
The checkmaster me banneo and very ufano appeared on the forito to say that I was in hell for the trollers. Hamstrung, gagged, silenced, I went to see as the entelequial authority that I had banned, left to continue the cataract of insults, away He and the insulting of the approximate beginning of ethics or equity. I pondered on that Communists who were perfectly comparable to the toughest formations on the right I found in my long political career. In this case, the journalist of a newspaper of the theoretical Liberals in the country is a gifted pupil of Francoist censorship, Cela and by extension, of these experts from hell and glory that were Torquemada and his autos de fe. Its tiny and miserable plot of power is managed as the tyrant of a banana Republic and cisca in everything what denounces in his rhetoric on national and international policy. I returned her to my childhood. When I went back to my house with torn clothes and broken shoes both play on the street, where I learned so much, my mother is infuriated and told me, changing the tone and meaning on the fly: go to take sack! For this reason, Don Manuel Saco. Original author and source of the article.