SEO Best Practice

Why directories are important The Boards should play an important role in their SEO efforts, well, at least the big and important, for the following reasons: – Listings of directories provide "context" to search engines. For example, if your site is listed in the Open Directory Project under the category Pets – Pets Weird – Blue Cats, search engines will assume your site has something to do with blue cats. Your website and the pages will be indexed faster and might have a better ranking in search results for specific terms (in this case, "blue cats"). – Major directories (Yahoo! Directory, ODP, Jayde, etc) have very high rankings on the web and while obtaining a list of them non-reciprocal, paid or not, the page rank of your site will benefit greatly. – The major directories are often replicated by other web sites (think of the PAO, with hundreds of copies) which means that an ad will appear somewhere the directory of this scale, this will make listings across all replica sites, contributing to their efforts and boost link popularity and ranking diapren is their website. – The ODP (Open Directory Project) feeds results to Google, AOL, Altavista, Lycos, Netscape – once again, a presence in the ODP can take your page far enough. Submitting to Directories As with most good things in life, it is necessary to make efforts to enter the directories of quality. Although the detailed instructions on how to submit your websites are always proportionate to the directory, there are certain aspects to consider before you start hunting for directories and submit their websites: – Start with Yahoo! Directory and Open Directory Project: included in the two of them worth more than included in other directories together! You will find very soon that, unfortunately, that listed in these two is the hardest thing to do: Yahoo requires an annual fee of $ 299 for regular web sites (not just commercial sites qualify for a free listing) and $ 600 for adult sites, whereas ODP is free but you need luck to break into this directory.

ODP is very large, however, the issue still is reviewed by humans, which means that the waiting time to enter the list can extend to even years! His duty as an employee of SEO is to submit your site, but illusion too, unfortunately. – Religiously follow the submission guidelines provided by directories: read it as many times as necessary to ensure that their publishers do not bother by submitting your site the wrong way, with inaccuracies, incorrect description style, or wrong category. – Try to find niche directories if your site content is appropriate for it. For example, if your site deals with marketing issues, focus their efforts seeking a sale of a single directory (such as and submit your site there: search engines love links from sites related with yours! – You probably will find many directories with paid inclusions: use your common sense to determine whether it is worthwhile or not. A good test is to check your Page Rank in Google: if at least three levels higher than the Page Rank of your site, probably worth spending the money to pay for inclusion. However, look for directories with a flat, one-time fee rather than recurring monthly or annual fees: as so we will spend less money! Finally, remember one simple rule: if it is too easy to get in a directory, you may not be worth the effort to enter it in the first case. .