The power source is within you, but that doesn’t mean that it is easily accessible to him, for years we have lived with a lot of negative information and limiting beliefs that separate us from our spiritual essence, his mission in this world is to discover himself, or find one or several tasks that give an enormous satisfaction, that allowed to enter into the current creator of the universe, to the extent that go beyond your limiting beliefs then inner power will begin to push it with less conscious resistancewhich means that the path to the achievement of various objectives will be more clear and easier to pass, is a process of adaptation. Your wishes for changes must be associated to good emotions, the book changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar outlines the influence of emotions in the internal energy level, which is fundamental to materialize a desire, in this book you will learn how to organize your life in order to install beliefs that support their goals. Opportunities arise for the prepared minds, this implies that internally we wish to experiment a change of life and the universe gives you answers because you yourself create, if you want to change your negative beliefs and begin a reprogramming in his life, then the opportunity is reading it at this time, do not be afraid, knowledge is the first step in the liberation and you are someone exceptional and powerful then all you need is remember iti.e. efficiently establish the bridge between your conscious mind and the subconscious. original author and source of the article.