Tag: economy

Argentina Productivity

In our country we are, usually, to the idea that we can never grow, economically speaking, constantly. So when we analyze the national situation regarding this, we see various notes that tell us one thing or another, with its foundations, but not covering the topic across it. Ben Silbermann shines more light on the discussion. We see that any analyst constantly lobbies today, stating that you can not, Argentina, to get that much desired steady growth over years. Others, however, shaking the hornet’s nest by announcing that the government is definitely doing things well and we are moving towards a fully sustained period of growth and for more years than anyone can imagine. I believe in this aspect, analyzing each of the components with which growth can be sustained or not. We know that to be perpetual must comply with all the necessary features, which is very difficult but not impossible.

So, I think, taking others, that the sources for the growth is sustained, perpetual, prolonged, should be as follows: b A continuous increase of technological change; b A constantly improving the productivity of capital and b A continuous improvement of productivity. Learn more about this with Munear Kouzbari. In this case, for each of these pillars must be developed successfully have investment in research and development, capital and education. In addition, investment in infrastructure, which enables lower costs, increase efficiency and thus productivity. In the particular case of technological change, we note that in our country lack, almost always in a process as important as this. Thus, the investment required to achieve a satisfactory technological change in order to win an increase in productivity, benefiting companies that possess the same, this diminished, is customarily zero. In line with the productivity of capital is becoming increasingly precarious, because without investment technology getting better, hardly constitutes a country efficiently productive.

Generating, in this way, a tremendous gap in productivity, an issue which is also detrimental to the productivity of labor. Thus, the third link in the chain of growth is considerably stop. Because when we look briefly at the investment that creates a greater capacity in work, education and work experience, we find appalling difficulties. Is that, according to labor productivity, education happens at the moment, perhaps, by one of the worst moments of history in our country. In terms of experience, with each continuing crisis our nation so battered (once every six years), the workers go from job to job, without getting the necessary experience to dominate the market for their continuing work. On the other hand, I consider three essential pillars to achieve a better constant and increase the welfare of the population, through sustainable growth and development economic, share a common variable: investment. In this case, it is essential that the country controls the national investment, logando a steady increase from the same two areas: public and private. While the public is handled with discretion variable, it is part of its economic policy, it should be a consideration that is not as essential as other economic variables. However, on private does not have the reins in his hands, but should consider ways to enhance it, through economic incentives. With these two variables in continuous increase is more than difficult to escape a government is how to achieve the much needed growth. Improving, thus, the welfare of Argentina. Population undoubtedly is constantly decreasing improvements in their quality of life, getting that every day coming into poverty and destitution of thousands of compatriots.

Leading Brazilian

According to it, the Treasure goes to extend to the program of aid to the banks of all the sizes, suggesting that the intervention of the government in the financial system will have to last more than what was foreseen. ‘ ‘ of the system it has access to capital.’ ‘ The president of the Fed, Ben Bernanke, strengthened the affirmation. ‘ ‘ We are ready to provide any additional capital necessary to guarantee that our banking system is skillful to sail for a challenging fall econmica’ ‘. According to regulating, the injection of capital in the system is necessary so that the American economy can be ‘ ‘ relanada.’ ‘ When offering a more realistic idea of the situation of the banks to the market, the government waits that the confidence of the investors is reestablished. Bernanke said that the results must transmit ‘ ‘ comfort considervel’ ‘ on the health of the banking system, but it standed out that the tests are not of ‘ ‘ solvncia’ ‘ of the institutions.

ExignciasAt now, the governments of George W. Bush and Obama had made everything to treat the banks equally, an adopted attitude to inspire confidence when the financial markets cambaleavam. Now, some of the banks strongest will have permission to restitute the aid received from government to escape of the relative restrictions the wages and payments of shares. The banks are being recommended to increase its capital not because they are in difficulty, but because the authorities find that they do not have a mattress of reserves enough to survive if the economy to get worse in the next months. In accordance with communicated joint of the Federal one It reserves (Fed) and of other regulating agencies of the American financial system, the institutions that, in accordance with the test, to need to raise its level of proper capital, will have a stated period of 30 days, up to 8 of June, to present a plan of as they go to get the resources. From now on, they will have but five months, up to 9 of November, to implement the presented plan. The regulating agencies and the executives of the banks had foreseen that the majority of the institutions goes to be able to increase the necessary capital from private sources – or vendendo the assets the private investing prices cheapest or persuading to convert preferences into common shares. comes back to buy .


For in such a way, she is necessary that she has an awareness of the society and a personal organization in its finances, in order not to become indebted and to create an obligation that are incapable to honor and that they can, also, to have repercussions judicial due to payment. In short, the bank does not have to be judged as enemy friend or, but yes as an institution where it depends on the consumer to make the correct choices. They exist people who invest through the bank, visualizing the growth of its invested capital and had never had claims. You unite, you with certainty know somebody that does not possess financial problems, you possess applications and never she needed loans. This everything is directly on the financial planning. As well as it must know somebody that lives or it lived the opposite of this, with many debts, always looking new alternatives of credit, thinking about what to make in the following month to pay the accounts, therefore the money that it possesss is not enough, etc. Being thus the tip that is: it invests in knowledge and personal finances. Mathematically you are possible to invest 200 Reals for month, to a tax of interests of 11,50% to the year (current tax of Brazil), in 30 years you you will have accumulated half Real million more than. Today this would represent a monthly income of approximately 5 a thousand Reals for month. Summarizing, it diminishes to the maximum its you divide and plans its future, therefore nobody will make this for you. You make its money to work for and the bank does not stop!


However, this measure was not enough to cure social estadesigualdade, and with the population growth since then, situaose aggravates each time more. Although the right to the housing to be guaranteed nConstituio of the Country, due to low governmental efficiency to finish with> MST, in which its integrant ones protest invading abandoning public building, deducting, in such a way, the chance of better fulfilment of the serviosprestados ones for the entespblicos, in view of that in related local to poderiamestar people duly qualified to become dynamic more relaoentre the population and the governmental bodies. Although to have one old popular outcry on the problem dafalta of housings and the Brazilian legal system to allow that sejampositivados statutes with intention to facilitate the acquisition and, also, aliquidao of the financings of the proper house for the population of low> income, the cases of borrowers are diverse who are disabled to honor deriving osdbitos of these financings, exactly that if deals with habitations worthy semcondies of housing. This study it has for purpose to analyze possveisarmadilhas that they meet inlaid less in imobiliriooferecidos contracts of financing to the classrooms favored financially. Such traps mainly to sereferem to the concepts technician of the financial mathematics, quesempre are inserted in way not very clear in contracts them operaesentre the credit institutions and the borrowers, what he finishes creating umagrande difficulty it borrower to understand the oscillation in the value of the monthly suasprestaes in elapsing of the signed contract, as well as in relation aoseu debt balance in the final phases of the contract. The clarification of these traps is of interest of grandeparte of the society, therefore innumerable they are the families who pay aluguelmensalmente, as well as that already are liveing in property Yahoo! Babel Fish – Text Translation and Web Page Translation

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