It does not happen different with the church offers ' ' algo' ' (intangible product) and she needs to elaborate a process and all all a way so that the people feel themselves attracted for it, come its meeting, however is validates to study what these institutions have made to remain themselves in a segment that this each more competitive time and that for many already is characterized as ' ' war santa' ' or ' ' war of religies' '. The religion is something that is present in the society has many years, and for if dealing with something without many scientific explanations it calls attention many, until certain time brings the churches could only be dealt with as white the holy ghost, however, after its division and expansion, this vision was left for, nowadays it is possible to find innumerable denominations, however it exists some that more are known than others, this happens because these denominations if make to be seen in a different way, is this differential that will be presented always looking for to make an interconnection practical-theory. The present work is about a study of case of the strategies of marketing and communication adopted for the religions having as base the evanglica church Snow Ball of Maring. This research has as objective to identify what the church snow Ball is making to attract its ' ' fies' ' , beyond identifying which strategies they are used, is intended to show as they are applied. In the development of this research a revision will be found bibliographical that works questions as: Anthropology; that it has for function to define the basic characteristics and main of the human being, since, this is the greater of the churches well. Marketing where it will have an explanation excellent technique of aspects in an exchange relation, religion, what it is and as it structuralized itself in the way that is seen today.