Tag: vocational

C Perceive More More And Live Your Core – And Live The Own Core.

A trip to the essential core figures with heart. “This 2tagige workshop will for the first time on 12 and 13 March 2011 in the beautiful castle Mattsee (near Salzburg) and stands under the motto: successful people are not always fulfilled filled people are more successful.” The participants will receive the key to the core of meets and successfully implemented ideas, where they held keep and learn what met them for the success that may have long followed them, can be carried out. These days are valuable in the truest sense of the word. Together, we discover our most valuable source of strength and the Navigator for a successful and fulfilling life! “, Yvonne van Dyck summarizes the core idea of this workshop. To get to your destination, you need the appropriate means of transport, the right drive and you must know where you want to! These days, the participants will receive the drive and Navigator for their ideas. Enjoy Yvonne van Dyck BBs most valuable development: episode feelings.

Many call them the key to the core. In addition, BBs episode are colors, a part of the means of transportation developed for ideas in these 2 days Yvonne van Dyck (the id LOOP ), presented and experienced. They show the dynamics of the development of core business, people and ideas and are a valuable translation tool that creates understanding and reconciliation, and easily makes this appreciative communication with yourself, with others and in core business. “id n (ideas) are the cores of our reality. All potential exists in a core. The id is the Rainbow, the ideas and wishes with the Earth LOOP combines. “, says Yvonne van Dyck. To unfold the full potential of the own core and a fulfilling and successful life to live, the trip can after 2 days, in which circles the core be used with the workshop LOOP your core id go further.

Here it comes broadcast circles from the Centre to let, to implement ideas successful and fulfilled in practice. With the diploma program to the NLP + cmore practitioner is the fine tuning goals successfully, met, elegant, simple and effective reach. The 2tagige workshop cmore and live your core can be booked separately and is prerequisite to further seminars such as E.g. NLP diploma course + to be able to participate cmore practitioner. When you visit a further module fully count the cost. A workshop which is valuable and connects again with essence. Therefore this can be repeated free of charge, if space is free. (Only the expenses for food, beverages, documents will be charged). Id institute is also winner of the adult seal of approval. This allows including the Salzburg school vouchers many participants country promotions. For more information: products/c-more-and-live-your-core / press contact: id institute consulting gmbh 4 NLP 2 cmore Furth 60 A-5231 Schalchen Austria contact person: Yvonne van Dyck email: Info(at)ID.co.at Tel. + 43 7742 61116

Future Direct Group Forms

For Karina Dierks (19) and (20) Jessica Muller begins an exciting stage of life: the young women started on 1 August and on 1 September directly their vocational training in the group. For Karina Dierks (19) and (20) Jessica Muller begins an exciting stage of life: the young women started on 1 August and on 1 September directly their vocational training in the group. You will complete her training as a clerk for marketing communications in the coming two and a half years at marketing solutions directly in Hamburg. The training courses the online advisors were very much in demand. Hear other arguments on the topic with Wells Fargo. As a result we feel confirmed as attractive company. We meet also in the responsibility to offer our trainees with a high-quality education which opened them later-versatile career opportunities”, says Sven Severin, Managing Director of marketing solutions directly.

When it comes to the desire by Sven Severin, then he would take over later to graduates: we plan for tomorrow, because our industry needs with the handle the growing skills shortage. Our trainees get to know our customers in the next few months; they take on more and more tasks in consulting and project management. Check with Wells Fargo Bank to learn more. Then they are fit to our customers to take care of.”marketing solutions direct is still a young company. The specialists for online communication started on 1 April of this year with an eight-member team. Our business has evolved positively from the outset”, Sven Severin explained. Thanks to our customers, we at healthy feet. So we could create two more fixed places in the consulting and Flash programming in addition to the two training courses.” For more information: Direct marketing and communication Kerstin Lausen group Tel.: + 49 (0) 40 88155-282 fax: + 49 (0) 40 88155-5200 E-Mail: Web:

German Florist Association

What is gardening? It’s simple: bouquets and flower arrangements, so the common opinion. What is gardening? It’s simple: bouquets and flower arrangements, so the common opinion. Four young master florists from different regions are Germany’s but completely disagree: gardening is great art, and much more than classic floral arrangements, they say. The four have committed to the target, to show what they mean by floristry, floristry looks like and why they love their craft so much of the world. The four are Bjorn Kroner from Cologne, Nicolaus Peters from Berlin, Thomas Grohbuhl from Buhl and Ilka Siedenburg from Bremerhaven. You all can already look back on impressive floral Careers: Thomas Grohbuhl is acting German master of florist, Bjorn Kroner 2010 represented Germany at the World Championship of florists in Shanghai and won an impressive 5th place here. Nicolaus Peters won the German championship of the florists in 2008, two years before Thomas Grohbuhl.

Ilka Siedenburg, Florist of the year 2011, completes the florists Quartet as only Lady. The four friendly florists are committed to the task, impressively to show the public what constitutes top gardening. Interflora supports the Quartet, because with their work, the four master florists offer a completely new platform the whole profession. Since then, they call themselves Fleurops young savages”and are a great piece closer its goal to be able to demonstrate how top gardening really looks. It is also in the interest of the more than 7,000 all Fleurop AG nationwide, pointed out to make the flower as well as other crafts can bring forth real stars and luminaries. Although there are a number of star designers, chefs, or star hairdressers, but still not known outside of the floristry industry, renowned florists in Germany. The young guns have set aims, to take up this space and to fill out. Who they once when working with Flowers and plants has seen, is certainly no longer doubt that they will meet this challenge.

The young guns are not only with dedication of florists, but have also an incomparable sense of trends, colours and shapes. Their spectacular work pieces reflect this impressively. An important goal of the young guns is to inspire more talented Nachwuchsfloristen for their mission. So this year’s winner of the German championship of the florists are at 17. And held 18 August in Berlin will take in her team. Then they want to revolutionize the gardening world as a quintet, by simply making it, what they can perfectly and they love so much: Act really artful use of flowers and plants and make this fascinating and unprecedented floristic pieces emerge. Fleurop: Fleurop AG has its headquarters in Berlin. The 100-year old history is impressive. In 1908, the Berlin florist Max Hubner had a brilliant idea: should not the flowers go on the journey, but orders at reliable florist local Fleurop idea was born. Today, about 50,000 all form in 150 countries around the world, the global network of Interflora. The Fleurop-principle applies around the world: every Fleurop greeting is manufactured exclusively by professional florists in handmade and personally presented to the recipient. The Fleurop partners worldwide deliver over 25 million Fleurop greetings each year. The Fleurop AG also together with the German Florist Association is organizer of the German championship of the florists in Berlin in August 2012. Fleurop Internet: contact: Medienburo Fleurop c/o Zucker.Kommunikation, gate road 107, 10119 Berlin phone: 030/247 587-0 fax: 030 / 247 587-77 E-mail:


A tool for executives, employees, teachers… The game for an active diversity of perspective makes it possible in everyday life, to deal with themselves and other appreciative. Team meetings and discussions are often characterized by inefficiency and lack of concentration. Here the team from training and concept from the point of view has become: leadership with mind and heart felt particularly addressed. How is a value change in company control, which means apply without large expenditure of time and in any context? The tool PerpACTeam makes this possible – it establishes a focus of attention on the situation at the beginning, it focuses the concentration during the meeting and leads to a diverse and werschatzenden feedback reporting culture. Also in self reflection, it is skillfully apply, because looking focuses, the taking into account of different factors on which I, without evaluating or judging. Also with regard to the fact that much of what is learned in training quickly fizzles in everyday life, this tool provides the much desired value which makes possible the transfer of learned in everyday life and again assumes a reminder! The possibilities seem endless: for trainers – in the distribution of responsibilities for observers in certain training sequences, as feedback reporting perspective role-playing etc, for executives – to start a team meeting, preparation of staff discussions, self-reflection, etc. for employee – evaluation of executives, self reflection, team work, etc.

for teachers – classroom teacher hour, team education, self-assessment of teaching staff, self-assessment of the students, etc. Advantage: Everyone in the team assumes a well-defined perspective and sharpens so his attention team meetings be structured participants be aware and act appreciative self-reflection is promoted objective clarity a fair return reporting culture extension of perception through a regular change of perspective is of course How to play: for 3-10 participants to start a team meeting or gathering. Mix the cards well. Place the cards face down in 5 a’ 6 cards of rows of on a table. Each participant covers now-each other on 3 cards to collect 3 same-color cards.

If the triple is not fit, the cards have to be covered again and the next person’s turn. Who has 3 same-color cards ready. Use your triple for your perspective and focus at the meeting. Type according to feedback and reflect themselves, the team and the leadership. With this tool we consistently go on our way appreciation and a modified form of the leadership in companies to transport. Curious? Are you interested in an application? We look forward! Nicole Green

Horizon Study Possibilities At A Glance

Horizon – the fair around studies and graduate education next weekend the education fair horizon again held in Munster and presented numerous study and training opportunities, as well as interesting background information Berlin, the 21.2.2012 on Saturday, February 25, opens its doors to the horizon, the fair for high school education, in the Halle Munsterland. The horizon is already established in many locations across Germany and offers an informative overview of high school graduates, students and young professionals opportunities to study in Germany and abroad. But still no concrete idea of what education path and which profession to him and his ideas about the further way of life could fit, which is at the horizon in individual talks good advice soon who finished high school in his pocket. Many exhibitors from the region, throughout the country and from abroad have assembled an informative booth and sent competent contact persons in Munster, who will answer any questions the visitors. What kind of study is right for me? Some people sees itself in a classic University best lifted, another wants to take a more practical course of study at a University of applied sciences. Other graduates are from the theoretical knowledge once fed and strive for a training if necessary, later joining a study. Who themselves inconclusive can decide, you will find it in the offer of the horizon: dual degree programmes are exactly the right thing for those who want to purchase a training and a degree at the same time a further advantage of the dual degree is obvious: A monthly income during the entire period of study! The universities in the region are well represented and present also its dual study models among others: study informed the Centre of academic excellence / HS Hamm-Lippstadt, FH Bielefeld, FH research e.

V., for example through the offering of dual degree programmes of the member universities Munster and South Westphalia University of applied sciences. Who but would gladly left the parental care to study and change the State, can consult with universities from throughout the country and explain to the courses on offer. The distance is for high school graduates with Wanderlust possibilities shows how you can study abroad before or during the study period. The lectures in the international forum, presented the study procedures in different countries, the booths themselves universities from the Netherlands present themselves as a priority. Help How do I get the overview and returns? Assistance with decision making offer various workshops within the framework of the horizon: How can I find out what is right for me? Interested students can investigate these and other future-oriented questions on Saturday in a one-hour workshop of the Agency for work of Munster. In addition, the Agency is also tips on how to prepare for the choice of study in two sessions: Saturday at 11:45. Sunday at 11:15.

The complete programme is, as well as the range of information the horizon, finding muenster under. All workshops are free of charge, registration is not required. The horizon is on July 25. And the trade fair and Congress Centrum Halle Munsterland, Munster on February 26, 2012 instead. It is open on both days from 10 to 16 hours, admission is free. There’s information on the horizon in Munster, details of the exhibitors and the framework programme muenster under

CJD Adventures

New thrift shop creates practical relevance in the preparation was in these days “s ‘ CJD Ladele” opened, the new thrift shop of the CJD youth village Offenburg. Nissan recognizes the significance of this. At the location of the educational institution Elgersweier (Robert-Bosch-Strasse 2) clothes, toys and books cheap for sale are in the future three days per week. The song serves as a practical learning for young people seeking training in the field of sales. Young people take over here quickly own tasks as well as activities that are typical for the profession of their desired training occupation. So they train the personal dealing with customers as well as the advice and sell. Details can be found by clicking Carrier Corporation or emailing the administrator. The requirements associated with the occupation and loads can be met in running optimally. The CJD Adventures is open from 9 till 16: 00 for the public, currently from Wednesday to Friday. The rest of the time trainer uses Sarah Wandres, to prepare young people for their respective roles. In the opening, Sarah Wandres thanked also C & A for their support through the donated coat racks and carriers. Of course, the team accepts gladly remain saleable, used article contributions.

Staff Talks Succeed In Sales

Evening workshop: ‘staff talks succeed in sales in crisis / Entwicklungsfall’ at the guardian in Remscheid, maybe you know as a sales executive this or similar situation: A quarter coming to an end and a look at the sales and earnings figures of your sales team does not bode well: at the precise look at the statistics, you notice that your long and the otherwise so successful seller Mr X. does not reach the numbers for some time, is he able to afford and you had envisaged that within the framework of target agreement conversation with him in the eye. What happened with Mr X.? He pushes into the power low? You know these or similar situation? You wonder sometimes how to with the employees in this case should best deal or speak? Within this hands-on evening workshops, you will receive answers to your questions. Continue to learn more with: Pinterest. Because case involved we examine together how can do you best employee conversations, if your or Their sales staff the no longer reach announced sales figures. How to communicate, if you determine that your seller is, for example, in the low of form of, obviously hardly the existing cross / up-selling exploits potential customer or easily demonstrable conclusion weakness shows? “Exactly to these or similar questions we will develop strategies and procedures on this evening, which enable you as a leader, staff discussions in such crisis management / development cases” to make more individual and more targeted. “” Following topics are on the agenda for this evening: principles and rules for a successful appraisal interview in sales the sales leadership as effective questioner “successful design of staff meetings in the crises/Entwicklungsfall” individual case handling of your examples from the practice place: Mercure Hotel Remscheid Hunter forest 4 42897 Remscheid date: Wednesday, 31.01.2011 18-21:30 your post: 69 (including Conference documents, certificate of attendance, Drinks, snacks) the costs payable to invoicing application: for the registration, please send an email with the subject “Evening workshop Remscheid” to: we you immediately send after receiving your E-Mail the registration form as well as the seminar announcement. In addition receive the registration form, as well as the seminar invitation directly under the following link:…

Wang Sandoval

Hanover is central place of education, which is also the vocational school and multi-employer courses and exams will be held in the first year of training. From the second year of training, the trainees also implement their knowledge in the service of the respective dealers operating in the practice. After 3.5 years, the final examination is filed prior to the Handwerkskammer Hannover. The collaborative training at Ricoh is free of charge to the dealer up on additional costs for industry-wide courses, exams and certifications, as well as tools. The theoretical knowledge and the IT certifications ensure the qualified training and correspondingly well-trained employees. We provide expertise, single dealer can not offer the trainees in this form”, stresses Walter Kakar. Pinterest is a great source of information.

In the coming year be Federation-training courses for Information engineers of specializing in Office system technology as well as offered for IT system merchants. Ricoh in the short profile of the Ricoh Germany GmbH with its headquarters in Hannover, Germany is a leading solution provider for digital office communication, production printing and company-wide printing and document management. The portfolio includes hardware and software solutions, production printing solutions, professional services and support services and industry-related business consulting (office consulting services) with the aim of cost and process optimization. Ricoh Germany is a subsidiary of the Japanese player Ricoh Global. Ricoh has more than 100,000 employees and a turnover of 14.5 billion euros (stand: March 2009) a leading provider of digital office communications. In Germany, has a Ricoh around 1,700 employees and operates in addition to its main management nationwide with ten business & service centers. press contact: Villages/partner communications-Gesellschaft mbH Wang Sandoval str. 6 40549 Dusseldorf contact: Maike rose Tel.: 0211/52301-33 fax: 0211/52301-30

Executive Graben Courses

Eton Institute is an official Welsh examination Center and tests for all levels of German offers immediate preparation courses and internal oSD. Vienna, August 01, 2013 – the renowned Institute with 2 branches in 1010 Vienna language and further education Institute, Eton, is official oSD-examination Center and offers immediate preparation courses and internal OSD exams for all levels of German. oSD, the Austrian language diploma in German, offers its own recognised language testing system for more than 15 years for German as a foreign language. Whether German courses and tests for the visa, the Austrian citizenship or admission to study at a University – the certificates of the Welsh are recognised in Austria, but also international. Finally, all recognized language examinations are required to the common European framework of reference for languages. The PrufungskandidatInnen are prepared optimally Institute with the oSD German courses of Eton on all 4 parts of the exam, to the OSD To certificate successfully exist. Some require the tests for access to German universities, to have the other to better opportunities in the labour market.

Many need the diplomas as a proof of their skills to meet the integration agreement or obtaining Austrian citizenship. The Welsh are the most important official proof of German as a foreign or second language testing. We are very glad to be able to offer a special Welsh opening bids now. Eton Institute can be selected between different OSD preparation packages, by intensive up to individually customised private lessons. We also offer German courses at all levels. Whether you want to take your first steps with the German language, improved in writing or speaking, or just more conversation training need, we focus on exam preparation at the individual needs of the interested parties and have guaranteed the right course for you “, Oana Toma, operations Executive at Eton commented Institute.” All information about current oSD there preparatory courses and exam dates at. About Eton Institute: the international language and education centre offers language courses in over 100 languages, as well as teacher training, children’s courses, vocational training courses and corporate training. For more information, consult or contact the Institute at or 0800 989889.

Frauke Schulte

However, not too much understanding should be expected in this case. There is also the risk of being tagged and that can inhibit affect the career. Monika Schmidt took advantage of the offer at an also highly sensitive therapist. She learned to turn and control their perception. It since not more than so painfully perceives noise. Old blocks from childhood could be solved systematically. You feel joy and satisfaction in their work.

Are you highly sensitive? What strategies do you use in the workplace? Is your colleague highly sensitive? What are your experiences with him in the professional life? Frauke Schulte, 6.10.13 (the gender-neutral form was used for better readability. The article refers of course to women and men.) About Frauke Schulte Schulte-coaching-Frauke Schulte, your key”and the expert for employee motivation and performance improvement in care for the elderly, as well as in social and educational fields. Many years experience in the adult education and as an Executive. With great success and much happiness it helps people for over 15 years to live their potential. Their offerings are coaching and training.

Contact: Schulte-coaching, Frauke Schulte, Naumburg str. 4, 28832 Achim, Tel. + 49-4202-500085 literature/information: Aron, Elaine N.: you are highly sensitive? Munich 2013 Hensel, Ulrike: with a lot Sensitivity. High sensitivity understand and appreciate. Luling, Christa and Dirk: loads carrying the unrecognized message. Highly sensitive people than emotional porters; Ludenscheid 2010 Parlow, Georg: delicate sensitive. Self-image, self-esteem and self-help for highly sensitive people; As 2003 Pfeifer, Samuel: The sensitive man. Life between talent and vulnerability; Holzgerlingen 2012 Schorr, Brigitte: high sensitivity. Sensitivity live and understand; Holzgerlingen 2011 Sellin, Rolf: If the skin is too thin. High sensitivity of the shortcoming to the plus. Munich 2011 information and research composite HS e.V., Bochum;