Thus being not delivery these operations to the inexperienced hands. She is necessary many years of experience to assume the control of one of these operations. Therefore it is prepared to assume less noble functions until having experience necessary to assume that position. It looks job while it is used: Already it is very far the time that if we had in feeling insurances to them in the job. Nowadays it does not have security nor for the president and directors of the company, who can be changed in case of the company to be bought by another one. Old we tinhamos fear to send resume when we found an announcement in the periodical, without the identification of the company, therefore it could be an announcement of our proper company and would be seen as treasonous. The ideal age to pass many years in the same company, therefore this demonstrated loyalty. Currently this is seen as room and lack of commitment with the prrpia career.
Some colleagues have in the contactado one despaired by being dismissed, asking for orientation on a fast course to enter in the market of work more soon possible. Unhappyly I do not have as to help, therefore everything depends on a series of factors displayed in this text. It keeps, therefore, its resume always brought up to date and searching better chances in the work market. The book ' ' Who moved in mine queijo' ' a good one asked for of reading is on this point. If it does not neglect of its network: The word ' ' network' ' , in professional terms signifca ' ' net of relacionamentos' '. The friends, colleagues and relatives are all who can help to enter it or if to keep in the work market. So that its net is not spoken brazenly, it looks for to contactar them from time to time.