
If you win $ 500, $ 510 dollars is spent per month, every month. You will be the most miserable person on Earth. Truth is that what you want? Do you want to continue blaming others for their poverty? Do want to continue in the role of victim system and Government, or perhaps because of supposed bad luck that comes with it? Follow under stress and with family problems due to the lack of money? Do you want to continue being sought by all the people to whom you owe money? And if I want to stop being miserable all my life. What is the solution for this case? Well, if you win $ 500 a month, then every month should spend $ 450 on their basic needs and save $ 50, and believe me will be the happiest person on Earth. Since will be paying if same first and that money, which is 10% of what you earn, must put it in the account that you called: financial freedom.

But at this time, am sorry to be the bearer of bad news and It is as follows: be thrifty is not enough to be rich. And this is because banks do not reward savers rather punish them and their money in the Bank is depreciated or loses value over time. Therefore if you should save 10% of everything what is won monthly, this should be done as a first step, then you should invest that money in any type of business that you a monthly interest, this interest is small. Remember the magic of compound interest is that will give you the keys to your financial freedom. In conclusion I can tell you that you can analyze the following investments that generate passive income, such as: investments in funds of fixed or variable income, investments in foreign currency, investment in real estate, equity investments, investments in automated business that do not require their presence, investment in patents, and all that investment that can generate a monthly income.