
To all the fans to the world of the motorcycles at some time this doubt if will have considered him we have thought about buying or selling a motorcycle: Whichever it will cost to change of name the motorcycle to me? First of all, the necessary documents for cumplie the steps of to transfer a motorcycle they are the following: 1. Permission of circulation of the motorcycle (original and it photocopies). 2. Card of the ITV or card of technical inspection (original and it photocopies). 3.

Receipt of to have paid to the tax of circulation or municipal tax (original and it photocopies). 4. Contract of transaction of the motorcycle, where it will consist name and national identity document of the buyer and the salesman, and the data of the motorcycle (it marks, model, matriculation and number of frame), and also the price. Important: not to put in the contract a price superior to which it appears in the property tables which we will speak later. 5. Original and it photocopies of the national identity document of buyer and salesman and to be present both or in any case to take a form authorization that has the DGT with the original national identity document. 6. Form of request of transference of the motorcycle or name change they facilitate (it in the DGT) and it must go signed by buyer and salesman. As far as the cost, we will have to pay 50 Euros of rates of traffic, 4% of the tax of patrimonial transmissions on the devaludado value of the motorcycle following the piston displacement on the basis of the tables that property has. In addition we will have to add the tax of the running of the city council and if the management we logically ordered to an agency the 100 Euros to it or but that to us this agency receives All these costs can be known a fast and simple form with this calculator of expenses to transfer a motorcycle original Author and source of the article.