Tag: the news

New Corporate Image

The corporative image of a company is not eternal: the fashions change, the competition tightens, the market evolves, the companies extend services and products If the company changes, the image whereupon appears its clients and to the society it must also change, or it will be representing something that no longer is real. In this article we will see the main reasons that have the companies small and medians to create a new corporative image, or of updating the one that already they have. Generally, the reasons that we presented/displayed to renew the own image can group in two categories: 1. Strategic reasons, planned, to take opportunities. 2. Reaction to already existing problems.

While it reads the list of reasons, it pregntese if it can be the case of his company, and if already it agrees to him to renew his image. 1) THE COMPANY IS NEW This is the most evident reason: a new company habitually does not have any established image with which to appear to its clients, reason why must procure one. It is an error to think that it is not necessary to create one image: one is always had, although she is the one of " company that does not worry about his imagen". The suitable moment to create the new image is during the process of creation of the company, before it leaves to look for clients, but when the strategy has already been defined. It is not necessary that is perfect, is possible to be improved later; but it must professional and be adapted to the company. 2) THE COMPANY HAS BECOME STABILIZED When it is created a new company always is necessary to fit the plans to the reality of the market. Not always it is possible to know in advance which will be the activity that will be realising after a time.


He is fantastic evolving of the technology and what this can do nowadays by the companies. He is transcendental to make new forms of marketing, ways that promote the high impact in the consumers and who the money is reversed in this type of techniques. These new technologies of communication have allowed to interact to companies with clients and prospectuses interested in an individual niche, an interchange of ideas by means of the electronic mail. Definitively the motor of the economy of the companies is their clients. Without clients there are no businesses, there is no money, there is no life.

Exactly that same passage in the businesses in Internet, the life this in the clients and the prospectuses. The prospectuses arrive at our businesses looking for key words in google related to which we do: for example if they are looking for a diet to lower of weight and our page contain information related to those thematic visitors will be interested in which we offer to him. Nevertheless it is necessary to catch them by means of a form of voluntary subscription. If for example we have 100 daily visits a our Web and at least 5 people visit the site, multiplying 5365=1825 at the end of the year we will have 1825 people whom at some time they bought what we offer to them. Imaginate that in the future nondistant you had a list of 100.000 qualified people highly segmented and interested, you would be doing thousands of dollars in the Internet and with a business working successful. Like beginning? She in line looks for the best suppliers of email marketing, the one that personally I use by its facility and practicidad is aweber.com Aweber is a system of management of electronic mails that right away distributes your electronic mails to your list of subscribers with only pressing a button. She offers the option to you to prove it by a month to only 1 dollar. Resource Highly recommended if you want to have a system of electronic mails of high quality. Subscript: This in the lists of voluntary subscription remembers the money, begins to construct yours immediately original Author and source of the article.


To all the fans to the world of the motorcycles at some time this doubt if will have considered him we have thought about buying or selling a motorcycle: Whichever it will cost to change of name the motorcycle to me? First of all, the necessary documents for cumplie the steps of to transfer a motorcycle they are the following: 1. Permission of circulation of the motorcycle (original and it photocopies). 2. Card of the ITV or card of technical inspection (original and it photocopies). 3.

Receipt of to have paid to the tax of circulation or municipal tax (original and it photocopies). 4. Contract of transaction of the motorcycle, where it will consist name and national identity document of the buyer and the salesman, and the data of the motorcycle (it marks, model, matriculation and number of frame), and also the price. Important: not to put in the contract a price superior to which it appears in the property tables which we will speak later. 5. Original and it photocopies of the national identity document of buyer and salesman and to be present both or in any case to take a form authorization that has the DGT with the original national identity document. 6. Form of request of transference of the motorcycle or name change they facilitate (it in the DGT) and it must go signed by buyer and salesman. As far as the cost, we will have to pay 50 Euros of rates of traffic, 4% of the tax of patrimonial transmissions on the devaludado value of the motorcycle following the piston displacement on the basis of the tables that property has. In addition we will have to add the tax of the running of the city council and if the management we logically ordered to an agency the 100 Euros to it or but that to us this agency receives All these costs can be known a fast and simple form with this calculator of expenses to transfer a motorcycle original Author and source of the article.

Government Actions

When still one discussed to the package of measures announced by the government days back (some of which already have been without effect whereas with others it continues itself working to obtain his approval), president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, announced a new plan of economic stimulus for $ 13,200 million. The new measures announced by the Argentine government must like objective point so much at the demand as to the supply. In the demand, the primary target is the consumption of the families which has been seen significantly affected so much by international the financial crisis like by the turbulences of internal origin. By the side of the supply, the support to the exporting sector is considered key to maintain one of the pillars of the government as it is it the external surplus. A positive element (by halves): The government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has recognized who the Argentine economy is in problems, but lamentably continues without making the sinceramiento that the market hopes. He is that although, the government recognizes problems in economy, does not assume its responsibility in the situation, doing that the unique explanatory factor of the present economic context in Argentina, is the external element. That at least is what the president has declared who when initiating the announcement of the new plan said the following words: This is a meeting that I had not liked to have to make () This time the crisis we do not produce the Argentineans and perhaps we are going to have to undergo a part of that tragedy . This negation of responsibilities on the present situation, although it can seem a smaller subject, is not it and can play a significant roll in the effectiveness of the plan. But returning to the announcement, the package of measures by $ 13,200 million, to give an idea of the magnitude of the same is necessary to say that this value represents around 1.2% of Producto Bruto Interno (PBI) Argentine.